
How to survive in the cracks for Ebook reader?

Second, the positive side with copyright owners and co-distribution channels of traditional publications, the use of legitimate, reasonable reader into models to drive sales. Here are all kinds of copyright owners were mainly publishers, newspapers, magazines and other copyright owners, institutions, after all, there are copyright issues with reading the content, only through a genuine legal right to use resources in order for reader manufacturers not to worry about. Of course, reasonable sharing is necessary, the only way to allow copyright owners to bring interested parties on the digital reading.In addition, distribution channels as traditional publications have a unique advantage, and their cooperation is also a good choice natural. 

Third, actively cooperate with telecom operators, to find a reasonable distribution of digital content channels and payment methods. After all, most of the content of e-service provider's network through the transmission, especially the new e-book reader resources, updates, and telecom operators also have a more sophisticated payment platform, then the ebook reader manufacturers in cooperation with , not only can get convenient charging channels, also allows operators to feel the e-letter reading content through digital transmission driving the benefits of value-added services. After all, paying a small part of reading is free reading in the same time, the most direct income can bring a piece of business. wholesale accessories shop

Fourth, to continue to improve the function of the terminal reader to read the most professional services and better meet user needs and the trend of the way to build reader. Since it is specializing in e-book reading function, then the e-book reader manufacturers will be able to provide smart phones and android tablet PCs than the more professional features and rich reading experience of reading. For example, in addition to better reading comfort, most of the reader manufacturers have thought of adding labels or Quanyue features, more and more manufacturers have to provide 3G and WiFi capabilities, and will soon usher in the future of color e-paper and e-paper folding, is ebook reader manufacturers to play their professional areas. 

In short, the era of electronic reading to us step by step, pressing, specializing in ebook reader from the smart phone market will bear, and the impact of tablet PCs, how to survive in this crevice, and find the corresponding cooperation model and profit model has become imminent. Finally, ask a question to the e-book reader manufacturer, if the rise in the future of color e-paper, the Tablet PC also use it as a screen, how to deal with this?

